Planning your Black Friday marketing strategy is a MUST if you want to stand out amid a sea of other businesses attempting to do the same.

What do you plan on doing differently to hook customers this year?

We’ve put together a short list for you to consult when doing some last-minute planning for Black Friday.


1. Use Social Media to Promote Sales in Advance

Some shoppers enjoy the thrill of the hunt; others prefer to plan and take advantage of early bird sales.

This will allow potential customers to determine precisely what they plan to spend.

Why don’t you consider sharing previews of exclusive deals, countdown timers, and other engaging content?

Your social media following is already interested in your offering; you need to get them to the finish line.

2. Create A Sense Of Urgency

Write copy that conveys urgency.

This will encourages potential customers to take action immediately.

Kind of like an “I cant live without this” strategy.

By offering a limited-time discount or exclusive access to sale items, customers will feel compelled to take advantage of your Black Friday deals before they disappear.

3. Customer Support is VITAL

 A rising number of shoppers that come with Black Friday come with an increasing number of queries.

A chatbot can handle the easy FAQs, and when a customer support rep is needed, they can step in and take over the conversation.

4. Offer your loyal customers exclusive deals.

People like to be treated exclusively, especially when they have a relationship with your brand.

Black Friday offers you a chance to show love to your customers that have been with you in the long run.

Offering exclusive deals to these customers is a clever way to build customer loyalty, drive repeat business, and ensure they keep returning for more.

5. Check-in With Your Customers, Even Once Black Friday Is Over

We all like making massive sales.

The key to Black Friday is the potential to convert one-off purchasers into loyal customers.

Follow up with those who spent money on your business by sending a quick thank-you email, a customer service survey, or asking for feedback on their experience.

6. People Love Free Things

There is no greater feeling than getting something for free.

By offering your customers a gift with their purchase, they are incentivised to act.


There you have it; a few ways that you can ensure engagement, sales and an increased support base for your business.

If you want to level up or need advice on holiday marketing tactics, we’re here to help!

Email mishka@endor.co.za or call 021 0351413 to arrange an enquiry meeting.

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